Are Mosquitoes Still A Problem In Mississippi During The Fall?

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
Havard tech spraying for mosquitoes

We are all aware of how problematic mosquitoes are for outdoor grills and parties during summer. But did you know that mosquito season usually extends beyond summer? Just because summer is over doesn’t mean mosquitoes will go away.

Mosquitoes are still active as long as the temperatures remain 50 degrees or higher, which means in Mississippi, mosquito season doesn’t end until late October or early November. Unfortunately, when mosquitoes stay active during the fall, the problems they create remain a concern as well.

Problems Caused by Mosquitoes

When the weather allows mosquitoes to stay active, problems mosquitoes create during summer can continue into the months of fall. Here are a few of the most common mosquito problems you may experience at this point in the year.

  • Mosquito infestations make outdoor gatherings unpleasant for you and your guests.
  • Mosquito bites are itchy and uncomfortable.
  • Mosquitoes could attract other pests that eat insects to your property.
  • Mosquitoes are capable of spreading harmful diseases.

A frightening fact about mosquitoes is that they are the most fatal pest to humans. More than 1 million people die from mosquito-borne diseases worldwide each year. While the spread of fatal diseases occurs less often in the United States than in other countries, the risk of being infected still exists here and should be taken seriously. A few of the diseases mosquitoes are known for transmitting include: malaria, West Nile disease, yellow fever, tularemia, Zika virus, Ross River fever, filariasis, and numerous others. If you begin noticing signs of a mosquito-borne disease after being bitten (such as rashes, joint pain, fever, etc.), it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Mosquito Control Services

At Havard Pest Control, we take mosquitoes very seriously. It’s never too late to contact our pest technicians to treat your Mississippi home for mosquitoes. We understand how dangerous mosquitoes can be for you, your friends, and your family, which is why we offer effective mosquito control services throughout the months with the highest mosquito activity. Whether you need a one-time treatment or continued mosquito services throughout the rest of mosquito season, Havard Pest Control has you covered. Our licensed pest experts are ready to assist you with all of your pest control needs. Give us a call today to schedule your mosquito control services or to learn more about why Havard is right for your Mississippi home!