Little Known Facts About The Fleas In Jacksonville

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a flea jumping on human skin

There are many pests out there that bring up feelings of disgust. One pest that no one wants to deal with is the flea. These small bugs are most commonly found on dogs, cats, or other animals as they feed on their blood. One question many people have is: Can a flea live on a human? Fleas mostly feed on animals, but they can and do bite humans. They do not, however, stay on humans. Flea bites on humans can be extremely itchy and are usually concentrated around the ankles.

The first step to getting rid of a flea issue is to know how to identify them. Adult fleas are small, but they are visible to the human eye. These are the characteristics to look out for:

  • They are small and usually only reach up to 3mm long.
  • They are usually brown or reddish-brown in color.
  • Their bodies are flat.
  • Their back legs are longer than their front legs, but these might be hard to see.

Where Do Fleas Live In A House? How Do They Get Inside?

Generally, fleas make their way indoors because a cat or a dog that spends time outdoors brings them in. However, even homes without pets may get a flea infestation. This is because fleas sometimes get inside by hitching a ride on other animals that get into homes, such as mice and rats.
If you're unsure whether or not you have a flea infestation in your home, there are some signs that you can watch out for.

  • Noticing fleas with the naked eye on your pets or around your home
  • Seeing flea dirt in your pets' fur. (This looks like little black flecks.)
  • Seeing a pet that is biting or licking its fur over and over
  • Feeling small bumps on your pets' fur or hair
  • Noticing small, red bites on your ankles

The Problem With Fleas

Your likelihood of having fleas in your home will go up considerably if you have a pet, but, as mentioned, even homes without pets can deal with fleas. The biggest problem with fleas is the bites. These bites are frustrating for pets and will leave them feeling scratching at the obnoxious bugs. These bites come along with risks such as:

  • Allergic reactions. Allergies are the most common medical problems that might arise because of flea bites.
  • Itchiness and redness at the source of the bite.
  • Fleas can spread illnesses: As fleas feed on the blood of wild animals, they can get diseases such as bartonellosis, Murine typhus, and tapeworms.

Luckily, most fleas that are on your pets aren’t likely to have serious diseases, but there is always some risk.

Keeping Fleas Out

Fleas can be a problem for both you and your beloved pets, so you’ll want to know how to prevent them as well as get rid of them. If you're a pet owner, flea protection is best done in collaboration with your vet. Your vet can provide tips for keeping fleas away, especially if you have a pet that’s often outdoors. Some options include flea collars and pills.
If you find you have an infestation, the most effective way to get rid of fleas quickly and safely is to contact the pest control professionals at Havard Pest Control. Our experienced technicians will keep these pesky bugs away from everyone in your house and can help keep them away for good. Reach out to Havard today to have a flea-free house once again.