Professional Pest Control Is A Great Investment For Your Mobile, AL Home

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a home in mobile receiving year-round pest control

It’s easy to sit back and kick up your heels in regards to pest control, but seasoned Mobile residents know that our local pests shouldn't be left unchecked.

Many Alabaman locals attempt to tackle their encroaching pest problems alone, especially during the cold winter months. However, preventing pests from wandering too close for comfort is one thing, but eliminating them once they are established is another thing altogether. Once an infestation has festered long enough, it will become difficult if not impossible to root pests out using over-the-counter products, home remedies, or DIY solutions. In the long run, using these methods to combat the symptoms of pest infestations will likely cost more than simply attacking the root of the issue head-on with professional pest control services.

The Many Benefits of Havard’s Professional Pest Control

There are many benefits that accompany the application of professional pest control, both physically, emotionally, and fiscally. At Havard, we:

  • Remove risk factors such as deceased creatures and fecal matter that could spread deadly strains of bacteria and parasites. 
  • Provide a worry-free hotline of professionals that genuinely care about you and the safety of your home. 
  • Offer several cost-effective and result-driven pest programs that fit the needs of every household. 
  • Develop a custom-tailored, comprehensive plan for your future pest prevention endeavors.

Thanks to pest experts like the knowledgeable operatives at Havard, professional pest control goes far beyond what the average homeowner can accomplish on their own. Harvard offers a competitive list of Pest Shield Programs to fit any unique needs. Check out Havard’s:

  • Pest Shield for pest-only care
  • Pest Shield Gold for the added protection of termite inspections and treatment
  • Pest Shield Platinum for both pest care and termite treatments, covering any replacement coverage costs
  • Termite Shield that grants homeowners the ability to treat and retreat homes for termite activity with a simple phone call

It is never too late to begin a Pest Shield Program at your Mobile residence. To get a quote for the cost of pest control and learn more about the length of services, reach out to the office of Havard Pest Control today.

Havard Pest Control Gives Year-Round Security

The best way to apply proper pest control to your home is to rely on those who have years of experience and measurable success in homes just like yours. Journeying through the world of pest control and prevention is an arduous one at best, but you won’t need to do it alone. To get started towards a pest-free home and the peace of mind you and your family deserve, contact the professionals at Havard Pest Control now.