The Secret To Effective Spider Control For Your Jacksonville Home

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
cellar spiders crawling up a wall

The spider is a natural predator for a number of insect pests that stick around your property or Jacksonville home. As such, they are beneficial to the local ecosystem and even the health of your home. However, that doesn't mean spiders actually belong in your house. Plus, they have a significant reputation for being dangerous to humans. So what's the truth? Are they harmful or not? 

To answer that, we need to look at the most common spiders to the area:

  • Cellar Spiders: This spider prefers to hang out in damp areas like the basement or crawl spaces as its name implies. They have small bodies and long, thin legs. They feed on mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. Fortunately, they are no threat to humans. Instead, they are more of a nuisance.
  • Crab Spiders: Looking similar to crabs, this spider actually prefers to stay outside but can end up inside just like any other spider. They also don't build webs like most other spiders. Instead, they blend within the surrounding environment to capture their prey by surprise. While they will bite if they feel threatened, their bite isn't venomous to humans, short of an allergic reaction.
  • Jumping Spiders: The jumping spider is small compared to most other spiders. However, it moves quickly and jumps, which can startle unsuspecting people. If you find one inside, it's likely a mistake since they generally stay away from people. Like the previous spiders, their bite isn't a threat to humans.
  • Wolf Spiders: Like the crab spider and jumping spider, this one doesn't make webs either. Instead, they are extremely fast and run their prey down. They will bite if they feel threatened, but their bite isn't harmful to humans unless an allergy exists.
  • Brown Recluse Spiders: If there's one spider that you should avoid, it's this one. The brown recluse has extremely potent venom. This spider is a grayish-brown color and has a violin shape on its body, which can make identifying it simpler. Medical attention should be sought if bitten by this spider.

Spider Prevention Tips

If spider control is your concern, then it pays to be aware of the most effective spider prevention tips available. In addition to the following tips, it's also a good idea to practice general pest prevention since spiders are often hunting down insects that are already in your home. Be sure to check out the following tips:

  • Eliminate Entry Points: Like their prey, spiders can slip through holes and cracks. As such, the best thing to do is to patrol your perimeter and fill any cracks or holes with silicone caulk to ensure nothing gets through.
  • Windows: Spiders are great climbers, which means windowsills and torn window screens are great opportunities for them. Make sure to inspect these areas regularly and repair them as needed.
  • Landscaping: Insects like untamed properties. This means spiders do too. By practicing good landscaping, you can ensure no pests including spiders will want to stick around.
  • Different Lighting: Bright lights attract spiders. One way around this is to switch your bright white lights with yellow light. The dimmer nature will be less attractive to spiders.

Contain The Spiders With Havard Pest Control

A spider infestation can leave you feeling quickly overwhelmed. Considering spiders are usually a sign of other pest infestations, it's not so surprising. That's why our team at Havard Pest Control is here for you to ensure you take back control of your home and property. Our solutions are affordable and designed to fit within your home's specific needs. With over 70 years of experience, you can count on us to ensure a pest-free home for you and your loved ones.