The Best Way To Protect Your Hattiesburg Property From Termites

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
termite shelter tube infestation

If you are a Hattiesburg homeowner, then your ears will probably perk up when you hear that termites are responsible for over five billion dollars’ worth of damage every year in the United States. To make matters worse, in the south, termites are a year-round threat to property owners. They can do extensive damage to homes and businesses, and unless you know what signs to look for, you might not even realize the damage is occurring until it is too late.
That is why you need to be able to identify the signs of a termite infestation, know what attracts termites to a property in the first place, and know what to do if you do find yourself dealing with a termite infestation. After all, it could save you thousands of dollars.

Identifying Termites

Termites are small pests, about 1/8th of an inch long. They are usually creamy white, brown, or black. They have six legs, antennae, and mandibles which they use for eating wood and defending the colony based upon which caste the termite resides.

Termites fall into one of three castes in their colonies. Workers who are responsible for finding food for the rest of the colony; soldiers who defend the colony; and winged reproductives who will leave the colony during termite swarms to create new colonies.

Here in Hattiesburg, you will most likely encounter only two species of termites. These are subterranean termites and drywood termites. Subterranean termites live in the ground, and the workers will set out to find food which could be inside your home. They prefer soft, moisture-damaged, or decaying wood to eat. Drywood termites, on the other hand, live in the wood they are eating. Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites prefer wood that isn’t water-damaged or decaying.

Due to the behavior of these termites, it is unlikely you will ever spot a termite itself. Therefore, you need to know other indications that termites have infested your home.

The Signs Of A Termite Infestation

Even though you are not likely to spot any actual termites, there are signs of termite infestations that you can look for in and around your home. These include:

  • Mud tubes in the soil around your home.
  • Floors that creak and feel spongy when you walk on them.
  • Warped structural wood inside your home.
  • Doors and windows that no longer fit in their frames.
  • Hollow sounding wood in your home.
  • Bubbling or splintering along the baseboards of your walls.
  • Shed wings of swarmers found in your home.

If you notice any of these signs, seek professional assistance immediately.

What Attracts Termites To Homes

Even if you do not have any signs of a termite infestation in your home, you should be aware of certain items in your house that might attract termites in the future. Then, you can take the necessary steps to either remove or protect these items. Termites will often enter a home because there is moisture-damaged wood available to eat. Whether it be from leaky pipes or flooding, if you have moisture-damaged or decaying wood in your home, it could lure termites inside. Additionally, many termites gain access to homes because, outside, there is wood to soil contact. Whether it be through deck posts or door frames, if you have wood on the exterior of your home, make sure there is a gravel barrier between it and the soil so that termites cannot gain access.

Effective Termite Control Solutions

In the unfortunate circumstance that you do find yourself dealing with a termite infestation, don’t try to take care of it yourself. Instead, contact the trained pest professionals here at Havard Pest Control.

We’ll inspect your property for the signs of an infestation as well as termite prone areas. Then, we will discuss and employ the treatment option that is right for you to ensure that your home stays protected from termites now and in the future.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Give us a call today.