What You Need To Know About Yellowjackets In Jacksonville

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
yellow jacket outside a home

There are several wasps in Jackson, but none of them are as well-known as the yellowjacket. They're often found on local properties and cause problems for both home and business owners. But how much do you know about this stinging insect? Find out all you need to know about yellowjackets in Jacksonville.

Do You Have Yellowjackets?

Some people think that wasps and bees are all the same. However, there are many differences between the various types of wasps in Jacksonville. Yellowjackets stand out from the others in their dusty yellow and black stripes and thin waists. If you find a nest, you might have an easier time identifying the insect. They have nests that have a paper-like texture, and those nests are usually on eaves or trees.

If you see one yellowjacket hanging around your property, there are probably more. They live in very large colonies.

Are Yellowjackets Dangerous?

Wasps and bees are a crucial part of the ecosystem. But yellowjackets are not known for their pollination, like bees and other wasps. Instead of relying mostly on nectar, yellowjackets eat insects. As they fly around, they eat whatever insects they come across. This makes yellowjackets helpful in keeping garden pests to a minimum.

However, that doesn't mean the insects are good to have around your property. Yellowjackets are the most aggressive of the local wasp species. If you threaten them, they will attack. Yellowjackets can sting multiple times, and their sting attracts others from their colony.

The venom of this wasp is potent. Even if you don't have allergies to the venom, you'll experience pain. Multiple stings can cause serious health issues. Furthermore, people with allergies to the venom can suffer greatly and are at risk of anaphylactic shock.

Keeping Yellowjackets Away

If you don't want to have yellowjackets in your yard, you're not alone. To keep your family safe, you should take a few preventative measures.

1. Do Your Yardwork

An overgrown yard is a haven for all types of insects. Tall grass, overgrown shrubs, and lush gardens attract insects, which creates a buffet for yellowjackets.

By maintaining your yard, you can prevent yellowjackets from taking over. Mow your lawn regularly, prune your shrubs and trees, and clean up yard debris. In addition to keeping other pests away, this will keep yellowjackets away.

2. Move Your Gardens

Do you love having a verdant garden near your home? If so, you could be attracting yellowjackets. Instead of having your garden near your residence, keep it set back on your property. Then, yellowjackets will be less likely to buzz around near your home.

If you must keep your gardens close, then seal up your home. Some wasps end up building nests in attics and other similar locations. Seal up any potential entry points for yellowjackets, and you can keep them out of your home.

3. Secure Your Garbage

Trash attracts insects. When garbage is easily accessible, flies, spiders, and other insects will enjoy the food. Yellowjackets will swarm in to eat the bugs. If you want to keep stinging insects away, store your trash securely. Your lids should close tightly and protect your trash.

4. Check For Nests

Every so often, walk around your property and look for yellowjacket nests. Check under your eaves and rafters and in your shrubs.

If you find a nest, don't try to move it on your own. It's extremely dangerous to try to get rid of yellowjackets or their nests on your own. Whether or not the nest is inactive, contact the professionals at Havard Pest Control.