Call The Pros About Wildlife Problems On Your Columbia Property

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a skunk in a yard

When we think about pest infestations, we often think about small bugs such as spiders, cockroaches, and flies getting into our Columbia homes. However, there are other pests that threaten our exterior properties such as the various wildlife living in the area. Wildlife can consist of birds, rodents, and other larger mammals, and while it might be great to see them out in the wilderness, you don’t want them coming into your Columbia yard. That’s because the various wildlife in the area can bite and often carry harmful diseases. Some can also inflict costly damage to our homes and property. As such, it’s important for you to know what you can do to cut down on wildlife on your Columbia property. Furthermore, you need to know what to do should you find any wildlife infesting or nesting somewhere in your yard or home.

Common Area Wildlife

There’s no shortage of wildlife threats faced by Columbia homeowners. Some of the most common include birds, bats, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, opossums, and snakes. As you can see, the various wildlife threats can differ quite a bit and so do the reasons they might come onto your property in the first place. Many animals will come into your yard because there is an availability of food or water. Things such as fruit or vegetable gardens often attract animals into yards. Uncleaned seating and eating areas, uneaten pet food, improperly stored trash, and bird feeders can also attract various wildlife into a yard. In addition to this, wildlife might come onto your property because there are areas for them to build their nests such as in trees, under porches, or inside of sheds or garages.

Threats Posed By Wildlife

Given the breadth of animals, you could find living in your yard, there are a lot of different threats you could face depending on which animals you are dealing with. Many carry harmful diseases that they can transmit to you or your family members. These diseases include rabies, hantavirus, leptospirosis, plague, tularemia, and salmonellosis. They can spread these diseases through contamination or through biting, which many will do if threatened or cornered. Furthermore, animals such as skunks have other methods to deter threats such as spraying a foul-smelling odor. In addition to spreading diseases, many animals can inflict costly damage on your home. If they get inside, they can damage pipes, walls, structural wood, and just about anything else they can chew or break. Moreover, pest birds often defecate on property facades which can both erode it and spread bacteria. Overall, wildlife can do a lot of harm to both your health and your property should they infest your yard.

How To Cut Down On Wildlife In Your Yard

The best way to prevent wildlife from coming into your yard is by removing any factors that attract them to the property in the first place. This includes:

  • Install protective fencing around fruit and vegetable gardens.
  • Pick up any fallen fruits or vegetables from your yard.
  • Keep outdoor dining and seating areas free of food debris and trash.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food. 
  • Refrain from installing bird feeders in your yard. 

What To Do If Wildlife Invades Your Yard

If you do find wildlife venturing onto, or living on, your property, do not approach them. If they feel threatened, they are liable to attack. Instead, contact the professionals here at Havard Pest Control, and let us take care of them for you. Our Wildlife Control Program includes live trapping, glue boards, bird prevention methods, and exclusion services to help keep animals from getting into your home. Don’t let wildlife threaten the safety of you or your family. Give us a call now.