Five Easy & Effective Rodent-Prevention Tips For Mobile Homeowners

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a mouse hiding in leaves

Taking care of your home can be very frustrating, especially when nature gets involved. If you have rodents trying to invade your home and property, it’s more than just another annoying item to add to your home maintenance list. In fact, a rodent infestation can be downright dangerous. The more you learn about rodents, the more you’ll realize just how important it is to keep them out.

Many of the rodents that love to invade houses, like mice and rats, are known carriers of bacteria. Have you ever been attacked by a mouse or a rat? Probably not. But they can still make you very sick. They’ll spread bacteria all over your home, especially your kitchen, putting you at risk of incurring dangerous diseases like salmonella or E. coli.
Then there are the repair costs. Rodents that invade homes and properties can cause a lot of damage. Equipped with sharp teeth, invasive rodents like squirrels, mice, and rats will not only chew through siding and wood to find a way into your house, but they’ll also chew through your stored items, food storage containers, electrical wiring, and AC ducts. With health risks and potential damage looming on the horizon, preventing rodents from infiltrating your home needs to be a priority. Try the following preventative measures to reduce factors that might be attracting them.

Regular And Thorough Cleaning

Rodents invade houses looking for shelter and food. If you allow them easy access to loose crumbs, they’ll invade in large numbers. Fortunately, you can limit crumbs by wiping off tables and counters, along with mopping and vacuuming the floors regularly. Don’t forget the low-traffic areas, such as under furniture and behind kitchen appliances.

Store Food And Trash Properly

Another easily accessible food source for rodents is improperly stored food and trash. Since they can chew through a variety of materials, storing food in plastic containers with tightly sealed lids is a good way to limit attraction. Also, make sure all of your outdoor trash is stored in containers with tight-fitting lids.

Clean Up The Clutter

If your home doesn’t have a lot of storage space, then you might wind up leaving clutter around. By allowing small piles to build up inside and outside the home, you could be attracting rodents that love to hide amongst any sort of clutter, from piles of junk in the house to leaves and sticks in the yard.

Identify And Seal Entry Points

Using their sharp teeth, rodents can gain entry to your home by widening an existing hole or crack. Filling these in with caulking can make them lose interest (and, hopefully, move on). You’ll also want to keep covers on any sort of vents and chimneys around the outside of your house.

Utilize Professional Services

If you do get some rodent activity in your Mobile home, there are two reasons you should utilize professional services to prevent further infestation. First of all, rodents can be dangerous if confronted (just ask anyone who’s stumbled upon a squirrel mother defending her babies in their attic). If you notice signs of rodents, don’t put yourself in danger by trying to capture them on your own.
Keep in mind that rodents, especially mice and rats, breed very quickly. If a few of them invade your house, setting out traps and poison is not only dangerous to anyone living in the house, it’s also ineffective. Typically, these store-bought remedies don’t keep up with the rapid rate of reproduction of these rodents. Enlisting professional help is the only solution you can count on. The best form of rodent protection comes with professional assistance: Havard Pest Control. Reach out to us today to get started on becoming and staying rodent-free.