The Best Way To Protect Your Birmingham Property From Pests

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
an ant infestation on food

One of the best parts about living in the South is the weather. Sure, it gets unbearably hot sometimes, but at least we don’t have to deal with a harsh winter. One of the worst parts about the South, though, is the bugs. Since the winter is only harsh enough to slow most pests down, rather than getting rid of them completely, it seems like we have to deal with these home and property invaders all year long. But what if there was a way to cross pest prevention off of your to-do list for good?

Pest Dangers And Potential Damage

You already have too many things to do around your property, which is why it can be so tempting not to worry about pest prevention. Many homeowners simply deal with pest issues when they come up. Roach in the kitchen? Squash, scoop, and flush. Ants in the pantry? Throw all that food out and start over again. Mice in the basement? Lay down some traps and hope for the best.     
What many homeowners don’t understand is that they are only seeing a little bit of the problem. Those ants in the pantry are there because you’re allowing them easy access into your house and into your stored foods. Roaches are afraid of humans, so if you see one in your house, you likely have hundreds (or thousands) more within your walls. And rodents such as mice and rats breed very quickly, so trapping one here and there probably won't get rid of the problem.
Many of these home-invading pests and rodents can bring a lot of danger and damage to your property. Roaches, mice, and rats are known carriers of dangerous bacteria and can spread illnesses. Other insects like termites and carpenter ants can cost you hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars in damage repair.
Keeping this in mind, do you really want to rely on DIY methods? Many of the sprays you can get from the store can be ineffective, and even dangerous, while homemade pest solutions rarely do the trick. If you’re trying to deal with pests on a case-by-case basis, you’re not only wasting your money on the solutions, you’re putting yourself at increased risk of diseases and home damage.    

Proper Prevention Methods

Since these DIY methods aren’t always effective and may increase your risk of disease and damage, they usually end up costing you more than professional pest control. And trying to deal with pest problems on your own can also be very time-consuming. Even if you don’t have pest problems yet, implementing your own preventative measures can be time-consuming as well. These kinds of activities involve:

  • Moisture control
  • Regular cleaning
  • Proper food and trash storage
  • Decluttering low-traffic areas
  • Lawn maintenance
  • Sealing cracks and crevices around the house

It’s an exhaustive (and exhausting) list. Plus, homeowners who check off all of these boxes can still wind up with an infestation. Fortunately, Havard Pest Control has professional treatments and expert technicians that can protect your Birmingham home and family for good. Our eco-friendly solutions are safe for your yard, pets, and children and are usually much safer than anything you can buy at the store.
With quarterly treatments, Havard guarantees that you won’t have to deal with pest issues, so you can completely cross pest prevention off of your to-do list. And if you have a problem in between treatments, we’ll send a pest-technician out to solve it. For the insect, rodent, and wildlife solutions that you can truly count on, contact Havard Pest Control to find out how to get started today.