What Smells Will Keep Jacksonville's Mosquitoes Away?

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a mosquito that landed on the leaf of a plant

Personal opinions on various topics can differ, but people generally agree that pests are awful. They can be scary and annoying. Among the most agitating are mosquitoes. You simply cannot enjoy the outdoors without them hovering around you. They are hungry for your blood, and they’ll bite you to get it. Afterward, red and itchy bumps will surface on your skin. The worst part is that these insects can cause you to be ill.

Mosquitoes will take blood from both humans and animals. Consequently, diseases can be transmitted easily. Medical professionals have long considered these flying insects to be the most lethal on the planet. Jacksonville, AL home and business owners often look into using essential oils to ward mosquitoes off. Find out if the smells from them work, and how Havard Pest Control can lend a hand.

Can Smells From Essential Oils Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Essential oils are called so because they’re pulled from plants. In many cases, they’re used as toiletry or perfume. Their fluid or matter can be injected into things such as candles and similar goods. The reason it is employed for mosquito deterrence is that the pests are repelled by the scents. You can light oil lamps, burn candles, or utilize the essential oils by some other means. It’s favored as a counter to crude or toxic mosquito products, but there are disputes about its overall effectiveness.

The potency of individual essential oils diverges. It would be prudent to study and read about this so that the application is as successful and hazard-free as possible. Typically, it’s advised that you make it less concentrated by blending it water or a neutralizing substance. Common ones are:

  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Cedarwood
  • Citronella
  • Lemon
  • Clove
  • Cinnamon 

What Mosquitoes Are Common in Jacksonville? What Are the Dangers?  

Asian tiger and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes frequent the area. A single stripe down the midsection is why the Asian tiger class has the name that it does. They have six legs and antennas. Concerning size, they are about 0.39 of an inch long.

The Aedes aegypti subgroup is also identified as the “yellow fever mosquito.” A white marking formed like a violin decorates their dorsum. They are the same length as their Asian tiger counterparts, with black or brown bodies. Antennas and three sets of legs outline their frames.

Even though the majority of mosquitoes get busy at sunset, these two species will be active all day. Beyond that, their behaviors fall in the line with the rest. For example, they still need nectar, water, and blood for sustenance and procreation. If your domicile or establishment is close to a pond, stream, or a standing pool, be prepared to combat these bugs. Open doors and windows are their entryways. They will get comfortable in dark places with low traffic, like a closet. It’s a bonus if the spot has the dampness of a laundry room or basement. 
Here are some facts about the prevalent diseases mosquitoes spread:

  • Zika virus causes birth defects in 5% of infants.
  • Chikungunya is incurable and spurs severe joint pain and fever.
  • Dengue leads to nausea, rashes, and fever.
  • Malaria comes with chills and sweating.
  • West Nile virus patients are asymptomatic but could suffer from fatal neurological responses.
  • Yellow fever could result in liver, kidney, and heart complications.

What Can Havard Pest Control Do About Mosquitoes?

Given that essential oils are debated and have limitations, and retail insecticides can be harsh, professional approaches are more than necessary to eradicate mosquitoes. To end an infestation, at Havard Pest Control. We have safe industrial-grade treatments for both interiors and exteriors. Our skilled technicians will offer expert insight. Get a free inspection when you call today!