How To Tell If The Spider In Your Columbia Home Is Dangerous

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
wolf spider crawling on wall

Most folks don’t like spiders. While some people don’t mind the sight of the occasional daddy long-legs hanging out in their basement, others can’t stand the sight of creepy arachnids in their home. The fact is, most spiders just want to be left alone and will leave you alone, too. But as we clean, rummage, or move around our homes, we can unintentionally disturb spiders, causing them to become defensive. 

Spiders usually only bite when confronted and most species found in the home aren’t especially harmful. But some can be a serious health hazard. So, if you’ve spotted some strange eight-legged visitors to your property, here’s how to tell if the spider in your Columbia home is dangerous. 

Common Spiders In Columbia

Generally, spiders aren’t dangerous to have around your home. There are few types of spiders you may encounter that look intimidating but are mostly harmless:

  • Wolf spiders: These spiders don’t weave webs. Instead, they hunt prey on the ground using their explosive speed and power. Wolf spiders are hairy and vary in color from gray to brown. They are relatively large spiders, often measuring more than 1 inch in size.
  • Cellar spiders: Also known as “daddy long-legs,” these spiders can be found residing in dark, humid areas that spiders frequent. They prey on smaller insects but are harmless to humans.
  • House spiders: The common house spider is found throughout the United States. They are small, usually measuring between 3/16 and 5/16 of an inch in size. House spiders typically have a yellowish-brown coloration with a black striped pattern on their abdomen. They are known for weaving and abandoning webs around the home.

Dangerous Spiders In Columbia 

Sometimes, dangerous spiders can make their way into the home, either hitchhiking their way in bags and boxes or simply crawling in through cracks and gaps outside. It’s important to stay vigilant and keep an eye out for dangerous spiders in your Columbia home. There are two infamous culprits you should know about:

  1. Black widow spiders: Black widows make messy webs in dark, out of the way areas with high humidity. You are likely to encounter them in corners of basements and attics, as well as among piles of wood, stone, or other clutter. They can be identified by their deep black color and distinct red hourglass pattern.
  2. Brown recluse spiders: Similar to black widows, brown recluse spiders like to build their webs in areas with little human traffic to disturb them. These spiders are often misidentified as other species. True brown recluse spiders can be recognized not only by the “fiddle” pattern on their head, but by their solid coloration (lack of patterning) and distinct grouping of six eyes, arranged as three sets of two. 

Both of these spiders have venom strong enough to harm humans. While the vast majority of bites are not deadly, you should still seek medical attention if you believe you’ve been bitten by one of these spiders. 

How To Prevent Spiders

There are some simple things you can do to reduce the presence of spiders, dangerous or not, around your home.

  • Clean up. Keeping a tidy home reduces the presence of the prey insects that spiders feed on. The fewer bugs, the fewer spiders. Clean tables and counters after you cook and eat food. Sweep, mop, and vacuum regularly and don’t let trash pile up indoors.
  • Reduce moisture. Spiders are attracted to moisture and humidity. Fix any leaking pipes and clear blocked gutters and drains. Open windows to ventilate basement areas and try installing a dehumidifier.
  • Seal cracks and gaps. Using silicone caulk, seal up any cracks and gaps around the foundation of your house as well as around pipes and cables. Replace damaged weather stripping and door sweeps.

For protection against spiders in your Columbia home, contact the professionals at Havard Pest Control. Our residential pest control plans are designed to provide the ultimate defense from spiders and the bugs they prey on. Get in touch with us today for your free inspection.