Are The Wolf Spiders In Jackson Dangerous?

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
wolf spider on a wooden board

Even if a spider isn’t directly harmful to people doesn’t mean it’s a welcome sight on your property. Wolf spiders, especially, are scary-looking hunters that are far more intimidating than your typical house spider. Learning how to prevent them and remove them from your property quickly will help you steer clear of these nightmare pests.

What Are Wolf Spiders?

Wolf spiders are a large species of spider that’s native to North America. While all spiders have venom that they use to incapacitate their prey, wolf spiders lack a potent enough venom to harm people or animals that are much bigger than they are. Unlike most spiders, wolf spiders do not spin webs. They instead rely on their eight powerful legs to outrun their prey, much like their namesake. While they are not dangerous to people, wolf spiders are fast and adept hunters, skillfully feeding off of existing pest populations. However, spiders of all kinds, including wolf spiders, are signs of larger pest problems. Only by learning how you can curb all pests on your property, and address the areas where spiders like to congregate, can you keep spider populations under control.

Where Wolf Spiders Hide

Wolf spiders are nocturnal predators that like to hide in dark, wooded areas. They tend to sleep and hide during the day, so you’re unlikely to spot these creatures unless you happen to be awake and near them during peak feeding hours. While wolf spiders prefer to nest outdoors and hunt in grassy areas, all spiders can be attracted indoors if prey is there in abundance. Here are common places to find wolf spiders:

  • Soil: Since they don’t spin webs to hang from high up, wolf spiders are most commonly found on the ground in soils or tall grasses.
  • Debris piles: Wolf spiders like leafy, grassy areas where they can hide within overgrowth or piles or yard debris.
  • Holes: Wolf spiders form funnels or burrows in the ground instead of spinning webs, so you might find their dens around the yard.

Spider Prevention Tips & Tricks

Because wolf spiders are attracted by other pests, preventing them is really about limiting access for all kinds of creepy crawlers -- the spiders and the things they eat. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Food storage: Spiders don’t eat our food, but the bugs they prey on absolutely do. Curb foraging pest populations by keeping food well stored and regularly deep cleaning for messes.
  • Trash storage: You also need to be aware that bugs can get inside your trash for the food waste contained within.
  • Landscaping: Wolf spiders almost exclusively hunt outdoors, so they like properties that provide the best hunting grounds for them. That means keeping a well-trimmed lawn will naturally make your property less attractive to spiders and other pests.

Contact Havard For More Assistance

Even though they aren’t as scary as they look, wolf spiders are unwanted predators on your property. For one, they are only around because larger pest populations are already there, indicating that you need more general pest control methods. For another, wolf spiders are difficult to get rid of directly since they are so good at hiding during the day. That’s why you should turn directly to the professionals, who can offer you more advice and assistance. At Havard Pest Control, we can conduct a thorough inspection of your property, checking for spiders or the bugs that attract them. We’ll get any existing pests under control and work with you to prevent future infestations.

Keep terrifying wolf spiders off your property with help from Havard Pest Control.