How Dangerous Are The Hornets In Mobile?

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a hornet on a nest in mobile

If you are anything like the millions of Americans afraid of stinging insects, pests such as hornets are some of the worst creatures to have around the home and garden. 

Stinging insects in Mobile are quite common, especially thanks to our warmer climate, mild winters, and high moisture availability. Stinging insects are extra happy about the amount of fresh produce and citrus which dots the landscape, and the number of homes with deep eaves that supply plenty of nesting spaces.

Common hornets that nest in the Mobile area include:

  • The European Hornet 
  • The Bald-Faced Hornet 
  • The Northern Paper Wasp 

It is important to mention that most species of wasp are technically within the hornet family, although this is rarely known by members of the public. Regardless of their family of origin, the dangers posed by hornets in Mobile may damage property, hurt family members, and even hospitalize the most vulnerable among us. 
Hornets have a short life cycle that resembles wasps, bees, and ants. These pests are some of the largest eusocial insects in North America, meaning that they work together in a colony to further the advancement of the hive. After hatching from an egg, the hornet larvae will be housed inside a colony and fed by drones or worker hornets that deliver food. Hornet larvae will enter their pupal stage for several weeks before transitioning into full adulthood. Depending on their caste, the pests will go to work harvesting, defending, or gathering food for new larvae. The majority of them will not survive the winter and will die off to make room for new queens and larvae. 
Hornet nests are typically built with the pulp of wood fiber. They may be found in virtually any area of the lawn, but are more commonly seen in places such as tree branches, the eaves of homes, utility poles, or thick patches of shrubbery. It is not recommended that anyone approach or attempt to destroy a hornet nest without proper training or supervision. 
Getting rid of a hornet nest after one has been established is extremely difficult, but preventing pests from entering the property only takes a few minutes a day. Here’s how it works!

Preventing Mobile Wasp Activity With Easy Steps

The following are some simple ways to prevent hornet activity from developing on your property: 

  • Keep the lawn as well maintained as possible. Trim grass, prune trees, cut back tall shrubbery, and otherwise mitigate wilderness areas from creeping up on your home. 
  • If you have any fruit trees or bushes in the yard, do what you can to remove rotting or fallen fruit from the lawn. The less sugar there is for hornets to eat, the better. 
  • Store all trash bags in tightly sealed bins. If you plan on having an outdoor picnic or barbeque, ensure that your garbage is sealed up and thrown away immediately after use. 

If you think or know that hornets could already be present on your property, you should start taking steps to immediately contain their spread. Contact Havard Pest Control for a free inspection right away.

Handle Hornets Right With Havard Pest Control

Hornets are dangerous, disturbing, and even deadly pests to have around your Mobile lawn. That's why you should not attempt to remove a hornet's nest on your own, even if you believe it to be inactive. Instead, contact the professionals at Havard Pest Control for safe and effective hornet nest removals at all times. 
Call our main office today to speak with a team member about your options, or jump right to it with a treatment visit scheduled at your earliest convenience.