Why Can't I Get These Cockroaches Out Of My Wiggins Home?

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a german cockroach on a countertop

You are certainly not the first person to face a cockroach infestation in Wiggins, and you most certainly will not be the last! However, the reasons why you can’t seem to get them out of your property may point towards something sinister just below the surface. 

The truth is, almost every home in the Wiggins area has experienced some cockroach activity. While it may not be visible in common areas or during daylight hours, it is not uncommon to see one or two of these creatures running through backyards or garage spaces. Some of the most common species of cockroaches in Wiggins are: 

  • The Brown-banded Cockroach 
  • The German Cockroach 
  • The American Cockroach 
  • The Oriental Cockroach 

Each of these pest species appears in variations of black, brown, tan, and rust red. However, the majority of these pests share the same habitual characteristics. A preference for dank, dark, and smelly areas, as well as an iron stomach, proves that these roaches belong in the same family. 
To make matters worse, cockroaches are downright gross. By choosing to live and breed inside pathogen infested areas, roaches pick up and disperse a wide variety of dangerous illnesses. These illnesses range anywhere from bacterial infections to parasite eggs and may cause side effects that severely endanger the lives of at-risk victims. 
Roaches are a pest that no one likes, yet everyone has to deal with. Moreover, they are incredibly formidable pests that are nearly impossible to get rid of. Here are a couple of reasons why:

  • The exoskeleton of a cockroach is unbelievably strong and can withstand many different kinds of damage.
  • Female cockroaches may lay up to 300 eggs per year. 
  • Many cockroaches grow immune to certain over the counter pest control treatments, which keeps them from being completely killed off.  

Cockroaches are certainly all around us, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to get rid of them entirely. There are many reasons why it might be difficult for you to get rid of your cockroach counterparts and hopefully the following information is helpful.

Why Your Wiggins Cockroaches Just Won’t Go Away

There may be several reasons why it is so difficult to get or keep cockroaches out of your Wiggins home. Once they have obtained access to your property, the pests will begin eating and multiplying as quickly as possible. Within a matter of weeks, an infestation may have appeared as if from nowhere.

Here are a couple of reasons why roaches may be attracted to your home in particular: 

  • A lot of easily accessible garbage bins or bags 
  • A large amount of moisture both in puddles or air humidity levels 
  • A  good deal of food items for feeding cockroaches 
  • A lot of dark spaces or clutter in which to hide 

Cockroaches are everyone’s least favorite visitor in Wiggins’ homes, but that won’t stop them from coming to say hi. Book a free home inspection to identify any potential cockroach activity in the home or lawn.

Cut Out The Cockroaches – Get Serious With Havard Pest Control  

If you or your family members are suffering from the dangers of cockroach activity, the time to act is now. Get the assistance you need with professional help offered through Havard Pest Control, Wiggin’s go-to pest control agency for roach control, and more. Schedule a household visit or home inspection to evaluate your levels of infestation, or give us a call right now to discuss your treatment options. 
At Havard Pest Control, we don’t believe in second best. Get the cream of the crop when you get in touch with us today!