How Moisture Can Be A Problem In Mississippi Homes

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
mold on walls

Any Mississippi homeowner ought to be aware of the potential problems that can arise from excess moisture. They can spring from a number of sources, including leaky pipes, environmental concerns, and damaged insulation. The worst-case scenario of a flood isn't the only thing to watch out for, either. Even a little bit of excess moisture can lead to rot, mold, and a host of other issues. In this post we'll outline everything you need to know about moisture problems, including the safest and most effective means of fixing them, and how to avoid them in the future.

How Moisture Problems Start In Mississippi Homes

A moisture issue usually grows over time due to an unnoticed problem with plumbing, insulation, or ventilation. Moisture tends to spread very easily, seeping into any cracks or pores present within the materials making up your home. Water vapor can also lead to similar issues if your ventilation system is in any way damaged, especially in naturally humid environments or places built below sea level. Aside from these more benign natural causes, you could also experience a leak somewhere within your home, which can cause a lot of damage very quickly depending on its severity.

Where You'll Most Likely Find Moisture In Mississippi Homes

There are plenty of places around the home in which moisture can collect and cause damage. The key points of concern will be in the walls, foundations, attics, and basements. Be especially aware during and after rainstorms or other times of high moisture and humidity. Moisture damage must obey the laws of physics, which can give you a lot of clues about where to look if you suspect you may have a problem. Air movement accounts for a lot of buildup, so search for any possible pathways in your foundation in the form of cracks and crevices, and make sure your ventilation system is working well. Water can also soak up and suffuse certain materials, mostly wood due to its more porous structure, but concrete foundations can facilitate this form of moisture buildup to a degree as well. Watch out for any discoloration, sagging, or smells from your walls and ceilings, as this could indicate structural damage due to excess moisture.

How Moisture In Mississippi Attracts Pests

Aside from the more obvious threats of rot and mold, moisture problems can also present a potential source of pests. Almost all household pests prefer areas of excess moisture. Just a few examples of such unruly invaders include cockroaches, rodents, carpenter ants and perhaps most troubling, termites. High humidity and moisture means an increased risk of rotting wood, which termites love to eat. This only exacerbates the immediate concerns of compromised structural stability.

How Moisture Control In Mississippi Can Help

If you want to avoid all the unnecessary stress and preventable danger associated with excess moisture, you may wish to consider calling in a professional for guidance. The experts at Havard Pest Control can take care of everything. 

We'll first remove any pests that have made their way in to take advantage of the excess moisture, then move on to eradicate the mold and remove the rot, addressing the core issues as well as their primary cause. An inspection will determine in which area lies the root of the problem, be it the foundation, insulation, or ventilation. Our trained technicians will walk you through their process, installing vapor barriers, providing proper vents for crawl-spaces, treating for fungus, and guiding you through a comprehensive plan to tackle any future issues. 

We're only a call away, so if you're ready to receive the very best in moisture control, reach out now to the Havard Pest Control family of experts.