What To Do About Field Mice In Louisiana

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
a little mouse crawling on a log

Insects and creatures are not just annoying; they can be highly destructive. If they’re able to infiltrate your Louisiana home or business, it may be uninhabitable after a while. You or others could fall ill, as many critters transmit disease or distribute powerful germs. Obtaining injuries from scratches, bites, or stings is a possibility as well. All of this applies to rodents, such as field mice, who are prolific procreators.

Field mice are a huge problem for a multitude of reasons. First, they can occupy buildings without much work. Second, they hide in spots that are difficult to access. Third, you can’t stomp on them easily like bugs. These characteristics are just the beginning. The more you learn about how field mice function, the better. Find out how to deter them and how Havard Pest Control can intervene. 

How Do Field Mice Behave? What Are The Dangers?

Field mice, also known as deer mice, are about 3 inches long. Their frames are slim and rounded. While their fur is reddish-brown, their stomachs and feet are white. A little fuzz is on their ears, which are large like their black beady eyes. They have pointed noses too. As for their tails, they’re short, slightly hairy, and two-toned. Darker shading at the top lightens toward the bottom. In relation to length, it ranges from 1 to 5 inches.

Living true to their name, field mice are rampant in locations with dense vegetation. For instance, pastures, prairies, and the woods. They’ll take cover in brush and tall grass. Weeds, animal fleece, seeds, and organic debris are what they’ll make nests out of. Among the things they’ll eat are nuts, seeds, fruit, and bugs.

Residential zones are attractive to them when they’re low on food and water, have to escape predators, or need shelter from inclement weather. Warmth and the scent of meals draw them in as well. Field mice can get through the tiniest of holes. Once inside, they’ll go to a dark room with low traffic, humidity, and dampness- crawlspaces, attics, basements, garages, and sheds are examples. 

Infestation signs are:

  • Rod-shaped droppings akin to a cockroach’s pellets
  • Footprints; four toes in the front and five in the back
  • Tunnels filled with excrement
  • Squeaking and scratching sounds from behind walls

To file their mounting teeth, mice will chew on plenty of different objects. When they go after furniture, clothes, and other personal items, that’s distressing enough. It’s a lot worse when they attack foundations, cables, and pipes, though. The subsequent catastrophes of cosmetic damage, electrical fires, and outages, and plumbing challenges are expensive. Health-wise, vermin taint food and surfaces with the bacteria and parasites in their fur, waste, and saliva. Field mice are linked to viruses, trichinosis, salmonella, and similar conditions.

Are There Ways To Prevent Field Mice?

Perform these tasks to reduce the chances of field mice or rodent invasion:

  • Use canisters with secure lids for food and trash storage.  
  • Seal openings in foundations, windows, doors, and utilities.
  • Have leaks and moisture faults fixed as soon as possible.
  • Mow the grass and trim greenery on a routine basis.
  • Sit plants and flowers away from your property by at least two feet.  
  • Make sure storage areas are kept neat and orderly.
  • Lessen all clutter. 

How Will Havard Pest Control Handle Field Mice?

You don’t want to test things out with commercial pesticides and traps for mice. They aren’t worth their steep cost because they can’t rectify infestations. At best, a few vermin will die. Further, these items can be hazardous. The experienced technicians at Havard Pest Control will employ industrial-grade home pest control treatments that are safe. Our solutions include glue boards, exclusion tools, sanitation services, insulation removal, and more.