Nuisance Wildlife In Alabama Can Be Hard To Deal With On Your Own

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
racoon in a yard

Do you enjoy watching wild creatures? Occasionally seeing squirrels playing or deer entering a yard is something that can quickly warm a person's heart. Finding bushes chewed on or a garden dug up, on the other hand, is a quick way to ruin a homeowner's day. Nuisance wildlife can be a big problem in Alabama. If you are looking for ways to deal with harmful pests in your yard, let us share some helpful tips and tricks with you today.

The Types Of Wildlife That Invade Alabama Properties

Before we talk about wildlife management and how to keep wild creatures away from your Alabama property, we want to break down some common troublemakers you might find in your yard. Let’s start with raccoons. Raccoons are nocturnal mammals that regularly crawl into dumpsters and knock over trash bins to pick through the trash for food. These pests have the advantage of opposable thumbs which they use to get into a variety of locations that other animals cannot. Another wildlife pest in Alabama is moles. Moles like to dig pathways under yards. These pathways can damage healthy turf and make lawns look unsightly. Opposite these ground pests are birds and bats. Birds and bats like to invade attics and get people sick with their fecal droppings. Some common diseases these flying pests spread are Pacheco's disease and avian polyomavirus. These are just a few common wildlife pests that cause problems locally.

Are Wildlife Infestations Common For Alabama Properties?

Wildlife problems are quite common around Alabama properties. Which types of wildlife pests you deal with will depend on how close you live to a major city. In the city, wild pests such as raccoons and squirrels are more common. Out of town, you are might also have to deal with pests like moles, opossums, and beavers. One thing that makes a property more susceptible to wildlife problems is available food and moisture sources. Rainwater build-up and open trash cans are two quick ways to invite unwanted guests. The question is, how do you address factors that attract wildlife? 

Natural Ways To Deter Wildlife From Your Property

If you are not ready to call a wildlife expert, one option you have to reduce wildlife problems is to put in place some natural prevention methods. Here are a few options our team of wildlife pest control experts recommends.

  • Pick up sticks, leaves, and other organic clutter around your yard.
  • Clean up toys, building equipment, and any other things that are cluttering up your property.
  • Trim your grass regularly and keep your bushes well-trimmed.
  • Install a fence around your yard and garden. Make sure that it extends underground at least one foot.
  • Repair damage to your home’s exterior that might allow wild creatures entry into your home.
  • Address moisture problems on your property like leaky piping and fixtures as well as rainwater build-up.

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Nuisance Wildlife Around Your Home

The safest way to get rid of wildlife in Alabama is to hire a wildlife trapping and control specialist. For service you can trust, look no further than Havard Pest Control. Whether you are finding your trash bins knocked over, holes in your yard, or other signs of pest problems, we have answers here. All you have to do is let one of our wildlife management specialists pay your property a visit. We will identify which types of wild animals are causing problems on your property and recommend a course of action to handle your infestation quickly.

Call now to learn more about wildlife control in Alabama and schedule an appointment for your home.