How To Keep Your Home And Pets Bed Bug Free In Alabama

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
bed bug biting skin

As new pesticides emerged during the 1940s and 1950s in the U.S., the population of bed bugs dramatically declined. During the 1990s, bed bugs reemerged as a common pest. Some experts disagree on the specific reason(s) for the resurgence of bed bugs. Still, most cite increased travel and eco-friendly regulations that banned certain chemicals based on possible health risks and environmental harm.

Bed bugs are small creatures that may not reach ¼ of an inch in length. They have an oval body, reddish-brown appearance, six legs, and antennae. Bed bugs primarily approach humans while they sleep, pierce the skin, and extract a blood meal.

Are you wondering how to get rid of bed bugs in your house? Bed bugs typically become deeply entrenched inside walls, behind baseboards, in piles of clothing, and other hard-to-find locations. Emerging predominately at night, many home occupants might not detect the presence of these pests for several weeks or months. The best course of action involves consulting with an Alabama pest control company that has extensive training regarding how to eradicate bed bugs and the best practices for preventing future intrusions.

What Are The Signs That I Have A Bed Bug Infestation?

Because of their small size, nocturnal schedule, and general elusiveness, bed bug infestations might initially go undetected. Some of the most common signs include:

  • Minor red blood stains or dark smears of excrement often appear on bedding materials. 
  • As infestations expand, a foul odor may develop in the bedroom area.
  • Look for tiny white eggs and broken egg shells near mattresses and box springs.
  • Bite victims often notice small marks on their skin that appear red and become itchy.

A professionally performed inspection is generally the best way to confirm that a bed bug problem exists in a home. In some instances, homeowners misidentify bed bugs as types of beetles or other pests.

How Do Bed Bug Infestations Start?

Bed bugs typically act as “hitchhikers” that often climb into piles of clothing, bags, or suitcases that a human will bring into a new environment. Unlike many pests that exist in yard areas and simply find a point of entry, bed bugs are mainly indoor pests. Travelers often encounter bed bugs in hotels or when using trains, buses, or other forms of mass transit.

Female bed bugs will produce approximately 10 to 20 eggs after one blood meal. Over their life span, females may generate over 100 eggs, which is why bed bug infestations typically get progressively worse.

Do bed bugs travel from room to room? Yes. Bed bugs within single-family homes will quietly crawl across floors or through walls and plumbing into adjacent spaces seeking a blood meal. Hotels, multi-unit apartment buildings, and other locations with human occupants are susceptible to invasions that may quickly spread. In many cases, someone will unknowingly “transport” a bed bug into different rooms of a home when nestled in clothes baskets, handbags, and other belongings.

Will Bed Bugs Infest My Pets?

Can pets carry bed bugs? Unlike ticks, bed bugs typically feed on a human or animal for several minutes and then retreat into hiding. Ticks will usually attach to a pet and remain in the same position for days or weeks. Although bed bugs prefer human blood, these pests will also victimize household pets when necessary.  

What Should I Do To Annihilate The Bed Bug Infestation In My Home?

The experts with Havard Pest Control use both conventional and more innovative methods for treating bed bug infestations. We treat hard-to-reach places where bed bugs hide, may perform follow-up treatments, and sometimes use monitoring options for detecting potential activity. To schedule an inspection, contact our office today.