It's Warming Up In Hattiesburg, Termites Could Be Swarming Up

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
termites in hattiesburg

Termites are awful pests for any homeowner to discover. They cause damage to Hattiesburg homes and are difficult to eliminate. Havard Pest Control works to keep homes and families safe from termite damage. Our Hattiesburg pest control removes termites from your house and keeps them from coming back. Call today to learn more about our treatment options. 

What Are Termite Swarmers?

Termite colonies have intricate caste systems, including reproductives, workers, and soldiers. Swarmers are reproductive termites. Only these reproductive termites have wings. Every spring and summer, swarmers leave their colonies to go start new ones. They're attracted to light, which is why they're often found near windows.

Most of the termites in Hattiesburg are subterranean or Formosan. Subterranean swarmers have dark bodies and wings. Subterranean workers are a light cream color, as are the soldiers, though soldier termites have bigger heads and mouthparts.
Formosan termites have a similar caste system. Their swarmers are yellowish brown and have wings. Workers and soldiers have lighter-colored bodies, though soldiers have orange-brown heads.
Once a pair of swarming termites have mated and found a place to build a colony, they discard their wings and become the king and queen of the new colony.

Do Termite Swarmers Mean You Have Termites?

Finding termite swarmers around your property doesn't necessarily mean your house has termites, but it is something to keep an eye on. Seeing these termites flying around means there is likely a colony nearby. If the swarmers are outside, then the termite nest is probably outdoors. If you're seeing termite swarmers inside your house – check near windows – then it's far more likely that the original colony is inside. 
Even an outdoor nest could cause problems for your home, though. Nationwide, termites cause billions of dollars in property damage each year. Although a new colony will take some time to cause severe damage, it is still damage. And an outdoor nest can easily move inside as this year's swarmers look for a place to settle. Termite colonies grow quickly and live a long time; they'll continue eating through the wooden parts of your home until they are removed. 
It's essential that termite infestations are caught early so you can avoid damage to your home. Signs of termite damage can be subtle but become more apparent as an infestation worsens. Watch for the following:

  • Swarmers themselves
  • Wings shed by swarmers
  • Small, round holes in wood
  • Piles of sawdust-like waste (called frass)
  • Mud tubes on the exterior of your home
  • Warped or discolored wood
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Windows and doors that become difficult to open or close

Termites can exist in a home for a long time before they're noticed. Be aware of these signs so you can stop termite damage before it gets too serious, and find ways to set up your home to prevent termite infestations.

Contact The Professionals for Quality Termite Control

At Havard Pest Control, we believe in keeping you and your family safe as we treat pest infestations. Termites can be difficult pests to remove, but there's no reason to expose you to unnecessary chemicals. Our termite treatments always begin with an inspection to find the termites and figure out the best way to get rid of them. We work with you to find the methods that will work best for you and your home. If you need to get rid of termites from your home, call Havard Pest Control today. 

Simple Tips To Prevent Future Termite Infestations In Your Home

Termites can sneak into a home unnoticed. That's why using some termite prevention tips around your house is helpful and keeps them from coming inside. Try these tips to keep termites out:

  • Seal any holes in the walls
  • Eliminate contact between wood and soil
  • Fix anything causing excess moisture
  • Divert water away from the foundation of your home
  • Repair any existing damage to wood
  • Keep firewood and wood debris away from your home
  • Schedule regular termite inspections and treatments

Any hole, crack, or gap in the walls of your home could allow swarming termites to enter. Subterranean termites require contact with the soil to maintain necessary moisture as they travel from their nests to the wood they eat. By keeping the wooden parts of your home separate from the soil, these termites won't be able to travel as easily. Additionally, excess moisture around the home creates an ideal environment for termites. It can also cause additional damage to the wood around your house. Firewood and wood debris can also harbor termites; if these are kept too close to your home, termites can move inside. 
Termite damage can be difficult to detect. Having a professional pest control team inspect and treat your home regularly means that you can find and remove infestations before they grow. And that team is Havard Pest Control.