Reliable Relief From Bed Bug Infestation In Covington

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
bed bug on box spring

Bed bugs in Covington can make life harder for everyone in the house. In the midst of a bed bug problem, it can be hard to stay optimistic. Your sleep is likely being disrupted, and just knowing there’s not much you can do to get rid of the pests is frustrating, to say the least. 

But we promise there’s good news, too. Bed bugs have been causing problems for generations, which means we’ve learned how they operate and how best to deal with them. Pest control providers can take different approaches to managing and removing bed bug populations so you can return to enjoying your pest-free home. 

Get ready for some great tips on spotting bed bugs, a breakdown of why they do what they do, and how bed bug problems can be mitigated and prevented. Thanks for joining us. 

What Bed Bugs Look Like

First up: what do bed bugs look like? Essentially, bed bugs are six-legged insects with rounded bodies. They slightly resemble ticks, but of course, their behaviors differ significantly. Also, bed bugs are quite small, which is absolutely to their advantage. 

Their size helps them stay hidden during the daytime and makes them difficult to spot at night, even if they’re right in your bed. There’s a common myth that you can’t actually see bed bugs without some sort of special equipment, but this isn’t true. It’s possible to see bed bugs, but their size and skill at hiding makes it tough. 

Of course, seeing bed bugs isn’t the only way to uncover a bed bug presence. Rightfully so, bed bugs are well-known for their feeding habits, and those feeding habits can be a real pain, literally. 

Why Bed Bugs Like To Bite Sleeping People

The next big question is, why do bed bugs bite people while they’re sleeping? To sum up, when we sleep, we’re easy prey, so to speak. Bed bugs aren’t well-equipped to feed on people while they’re awake and moving around, but a sleeping person is far less likely to notice a problem, at least not until it’s too late. 

Like ticks, bed bugs feed on human blood, as it contains certain nutrients that sustain them. They just have their own approach. They approach, feed, and leave relatively quickly. So when you wake up with itchy bed bug bites, the pests have probably already retreated to their hiding places. 

For obvious reasons, this routine can quickly become frustrating, resulting in lost sleep on a consistent basis. But bed bug control and prevention can put an end to these problems. 

What It Takes To Get Rid Of A Bed Bug Infestation

Before we come to the end, what can you do to get rid of bed bugs? Because bed bugs are inherently challenging to manage without proper training and equipment, we recommend you contact a pest control service as soon as possible to get started with bed bug removal. 

There are numerous methods for getting rid of bed bugs, and bed bug experts are the ones who can help you decide on which method will be the most effective for removing the infestation in your home. These methods can be involved, but they all help ensure your home will ultimately be bed bug-free. 

Following treatment, it’s time to move on to bed bug prevention. 

How To Prevent Future Bed Bug Infestations

We’d like to explain how to prevent bed bugs naturally. The following measures will significantly decrease the chances of bringing bed bugs into your home, and they don’t require any special equipment: 

  • Always check your luggage for bed bugs when you come home from a trip  
  • Use door sweeps on exterior doors
  • Don’t bring used furniture or mattresses in from the street
  • Vacuum rugs and carpets on a weekly basis 

Bed bug services can help you overcome an infestation. Get in touch with Havard Pest Control today to get started.